Health care will continue to be a top policy issue for the next four years. That much was certain even before ballots for the 2020 presidential election had been tallied. What remains uncertain? Just what that health policy landscape may look like.
Take a moment to think over the last several years. We’ve seen traditional political alliances break. We’ve watched norms of political discourse be redefined. And we’ve seen the public’s faith in experts and institutions give way to a volatile political and social environment. The most sensational, passionate or extreme voices are now amplified across social and traditional media.
And they increasingly influence policy debates.
This is the backdrop for policy conversations about COVID-19 responses, health care costs, vaccines, health care access and more for the foreseeable future. Meanwhile, though the election split political power on Capitol Hill, both parties lay claim to a mandate for change.
These combined elements leave policymakers, even seasoned leaders, vulnerable to taking up health policies rooted in little more than a popular tweet – just to satisfy an unsettled electorate.
Amid this instability, it’s more important than ever that relevant health policy stakeholders, including providers and patients, inform policy dialogue. Their insights are grounded in real-world experience and thoughtful reflection. Their perspectives are critical on issues such as patient access, drug prices, and research and development.
How do we bring their voices to the forefront? Strengthening existing relationships with key federal and state policymakers will be paramount. So too will cultivating relationships with the constituencies that have policymakers’ ear on health care issues.
On behalf of clients in the health care sector, Woodberry Associates uses its experience and expertise to develop comprehensive public affairs strategies for uncertain environments like the one we face today. Services include managing issue campaigns, direct advocacy, stakeholder mobilization and strategic communications to ensure that policy priorities are addressed.
To learn more about how Woodberry Associates can work with your organization to support policy priorities in Washington, D.C. and state capitols, visit